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Mobile: 0418 138 930


Email: kristian@kristianskomputers.com.au



Monday to Saturday: 9am to 6pm

Sunday: Closed

My mission is to offer genuine customer service and deliver fast turnaround times on repairs and upgrades.

Kristian's Komputers offers many computer hardware and software services depending on your needs and wants, most being completed onsite. Major computer upgrades and problems are completed in the main workshop. Please refer to the Terms & Conditions for pricing and general information.




Computer repairs and upgrades are inevitable when owning a computer. It's a lot like owning a car, you will have to repair or replace a faulty part eventually due to wear and tear. Computers are very complex devices and newer, faster, more efficient technology is being released every year. The need to upgrade is often required even when you may not want to.




Do you need a new computer but aren't sure where to start or what to buy? Kristian's Komputers can custom build a desktop computer to your needs, wants and specifications, whether it be for home, business or gaming purposes. If you prefer the portability and smaller size of a laptop instead, Kristian's Komputers has many brands, models and options available to you.




Have you purchased individual computer parts from another retailer and aren't sure how everything fits together? Kristian's Komputers can help you build and assemble your computer to make sure everything works properly. Hardware failure also occurs from time to time, so the need to replace a faulty component may be required during your computers lifespan.




Is your computer infected with a virus or bug? Viruses, Spyware, Malware, Ransomware, Crimeware and other nasty threats are being released daily. If you suspect that your infected, Kristian's Komputers can remove all infections with specialised software, which is installed for you to run yourself regularly. If you don't have a decent internet security suite installed, a recommendation will be made.




Have you changed Internet providers, purchased a new modem router or want to change the email program you use? Kristian's Komputers can set up your new Internet connection and email address for you so you can get on with your business. Your email address can be setup in the mail client program of your choice or used via a web based solution instead.




Kristian's Komputers can install and setup a wide range of hardware and software products for you if you're not sure how to. Computers, modem routers, monitors, printers, WiFi range extenders, speakers, webcams, mobile phones, tablets, Televisions, DVD & BLU-RAY players, software suites, PC games and more.




Has your computer crashed or is your hard disk drive faulty? Kristian's Komputers can access this data and transfer it onto another form of media for you. There is always a chance that your data can be recovered depending on the condition of the device.




Does the performance of your computer seem slow? There are many reasons why your computer may not be performing at its best. Kristian's Komputers can perform a health check and improve the performance of your computer. Specialised software is also installed on your computer for you to run yourself regularly to keep your computer running well.




Your computer will have annoying problems from time to time. It's the nature of technology unfortunately. Solutions to certain problems may need to be researched and can take time to resolve. This can be very frustrating and the cause isn't always easy to find. However, there is always a solution to every problem.




Kristian's Komputers can remotely log in and take control of your computer without the need for a technician to be physically present at your location. As long as you have a working computer and Internet connection, then remote desktop support is possible via the Team Viewer remote desktop software.




Whatever advice you need or information you seek, Kristian's Komputers can advise and inform you with genuine information and knowledge from 22 years of experience.